While PCs existed since 1977, they only really began to become popular in the 1980s, and BBS became popular with it. BBS or Bulletin Board Systems were comprised of a personal computer, a modem, and some BBS software. They allowed users to connect to a network, where they could share files or simple messages with other users on the network. The BBS was essentially the predecessor of the World Wide Web.
Nowadays modems have become critical to many aspects of life, as their use is required to access the Internet, and the Internet is connected to pretty much everything. Many routers have built-in modems, so if you are reading this online, there is almost certainly a modem in your vicinity.
Old Modem:

Modern Modem:

It was interesting to me that modems have been around since the 1950s, being developed by the U.S. Air Force. In recent years, modems, or modulator-demodulators have seen many new advancements. 20 years ago, 56K modems and dial-up still were widely in use, with maximum speeds of 56Kb/s. Internet speeds today are way faster, with the typical speed being 20 Mb/s, which is over 350x faster. It is crazy how much internet speeds have increased over 2 decades, to allow for more complex media to be consumed. This speed of progression seems to be slowing down, possibly as a result of Moore's law no longer being valid today.