Home Box Office, or HBO, is known for its groundbreaking television shows. In the 2000s, it was known for producing commercial and critically acclaimed original programs, such as Game of Thrones and The Sopranos However, its origin, as the name implies, was initially created to show movies on television. HBO first created in 1975, HBO was the first-ever cable network. The business model was structured around reoccurring payments for non-commercial movies. This would mean that its viewers would be able to watch these movies according to the channel guide, and once VCR was invented, record the movies on their own tapes. The concept of HBO was soon to be faced with competitors, who are still present today, like Showtime. As the decade continued, HBO was able to gain the rights to exclusive movies to air only on their channels after a release in theatres. After Cinemax, a subdivision of HBO was released, the company, under Time Warner Inc, began to spread its reach beyond films. Another integral part of the original channel format was its original content, which included original comedy specials. In 1989, they created a specific channel for these comedy shows, which would eventually be renamed to Comedy Central.
15 years after it’s the first release, HBO started creating its own television shows, only available through their subscription. Because of their different plan, they didn’t have to uphold the television regulations of profanity and nudity. Because of this, HBO created content mostly for mature audiences. This new take on television made their programs especially interesting for viewers, as their shows didn’t follow the traditional form of other television. In 1999, the Home Box Office released one of the most highly regarded television series of all time, The Sopranos. The show was centered around an Italian Mafia and changed the landscape of their HBO. This would lay the groundwork for shows like The Wire, West World, and Game of Thrones. Today, HBO is owned by AT&T and still watched with their stunning series. The Home Box Office was able to bring movies to television and make television similar to movies, breaking the conformity of television.
I found your article very interesting! I never knew the full extent of history regarding HBO, especially in its earlier years. Also to note, HBO was originally named the Green Channel. As you had mentioned, HBO is still a wide success in the modern-day. HBO generated 5.81 billion dollars of revenue in 2019 alone, which is quite good. Even against the likes of streaming giants like Netflix and Hulu, HBO still holds its ground with unique and interesting content and media.