Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Consoles of Our Generation Part 2: The Wii

The Handheld Console of our Generation: The Wii

It's 2019 and the Nintendo Wii still isn't dead | TechCrunchI think that many of us can look back to the days where we ruined our relationships over playing Mario Party 8. One unlucky dice roll or minigame may have left you dead last when you were first just moments ago. For that, we have to thank the Wii released on November 19, 2006. It sported sleek, white plastic and featured its iconic boxy but slim design. In addition, its release was intended to compete with Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360.
Always remember your safety strap! (not that I ever used it). The Wii was the first major console to extensively make use of motion controls and featured motion detecting in three dimensions. In addition, as mentioned in part 1, the Wii was backwards compatible with Gamecube games making it a favorable purchase for those that had invested in Nintendo’s previous lineup. The Wii controller also had the option of the iconic Nunchuk controller attachment which further added to its versatility.
Wii Sports Baseball
Repurpose your old Wii Balance Board as an Android-connected smart Super Mario Galaxy: Artist Not Provided: Video Games Trying to throw 500 mile per hour fastballs, your controller goes flying across the room and smashes into your vase, causing the fire alarm to go off and meteors to rain from the sky. Just kidding. But that’s sure what it felt like though when you played a spicy game of Wii Sports. (On a side note, the splitter is completely B.S.). Wii Sports came bundled and was the first game to be released along with the Wii. Across its existence, numerous memorable titles have been created for the Wii: Wii Play, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros. Wii., and Mario Kart Wii are just to name a few. Of course, we can’t forget about the Wii Fit which was first made available a little over a year after the Wii’s initial release in Japan. The Wii Fit featured a balance board and was designed with the intention of turning exercise into a family friendly group activity. (The penguin game is actually hard though).
Beautiful, tear-jerking tributes to late Nintendo president Satoru ... The Wii was without doubt, a revolutionary gaming advice and changed the course of our childhoods for good. Thank you, Mr. Iwata for our nostalgic memories. May you rest in peace.


  1. It is true that the Wii has been a significant gaming device. In fact, since 2016, 101.63 million units had been sold. With the growing success of the Wii, the Wii U was released on November 18, 2012. The Wii U has sold an additional 13.5 million units since its release. I think that the Wii is still a really fun device to use, even though people may forget about it due to the existence of Xbox and Play Station. In fact, since I have had some free time, I have started playing the Wii games I used to play when I was younger.


  2. This post brings back so many memories (we should definitely get together after the quarantine and play some Wii games). Some of the games on the console sold exceptionally well. For example, Wii Sports is the 4th best selling game of all time with 82.88 million copies sold. Granted, it came with every single Wii, but imagine how many virtual tennis matches that must have been created!


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