Much of our communication is now encrypted, which (as far as we know) no one knows how to efficiently decrypt. BULLRUN is an example of many attempts to decrypt communications, including installing and exploiting backdoors, using mathematical techniques, and industry partnerships.
Although PRISM information can only be used and collected with a FISA court order, there is still a huge chilling effect on the First Amendment with regards to sharing opinions and thoughts. Furthermore, some argue that the government monitoring people is inherently a violation of the Fourth Amendment and a reasonable expectation of privacy.
The culmination of all of this information comes through the program XKEYSCORE. XKEYSCORE is a computer system for searching and analyzing internet traffic. The system has been compared to google.com for private internet communications. The system has also been shared internationally, especially with the Five Eyes countries.
These programs or similar ones are still going on, having been renewed in 2018 by Congress and Trump. There was little protest when the renewal occured, which signifies that Americans may have accepted the huge collection of data as inevitable or essential for the tracking of terrorists and other criminals.
Perhaps you think you’re protected by using Tor, an anonymized browser that utilizes volunteer relays to send information. However, the NSA still has been able to monitor traffic from Tor. Furthermore, using the browser would put you as a larger target within the XKEYSCORE program. Just by searching these terms, you are put under higher suspicion within the program.
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