Friday, April 17, 2020

Assembly Bill 331: Ethnic Studies?

My prediction for today? Ethnic Studies will soon be a required course in California. Just two weeks ago, the California Department of Education sided with advocates of incorporating it into the curriculum, and I support that!

To give a bit of context, Ethnic Studies is a course focusing on four ethnic and racial groups: African Americans, Asian Americans, Chicanos and Latinos, and Native Americans. Assembly Bill 331, making the Ethnic Studies course part of California’s graduation requirements, is currently under review by the California State Board of Education (SBE).

I want to write about this because some people are opposed to Assembly Bill 331, arguing that World History touches on other cultures and populations, and Ethnic Studies isn't necessary. However, I believe that it is integral to teaching the importance of being politically and culturally aware.

After reading the comments on a The Washington Times article concerning the bill, one left me especially disappointed. A woman named Mary Ahn Ludwig claimed that “it would be a disservice to those founders to insist that all other cultures are equal and important features of American life.”

As an Asian American with immigrant parents who risked everything to provide me with a better life, I am angry with Ludwig, whose circumstances are likely the same as mine. Both of our ancestors migrated here, and both of us are in the land of opportunities in order to live a safe, happy life free of discrimination.

Only two decades ago did our country start teaching elementary schoolers about slavery, racism and the destruction of native peoples. Our curriculums are gradually becoming more progressive, and I hope that Ethnic Studies will help foster a culturally intelligent generation for years to come!


1 comment:

  1. This was a really interesting post about such a relevant topic! I agree that the Ethnic Studies class would be beneficial so that students could learn more about different cultures and groups, especially because these groups are not currently covered in-depth in other classes. I found out that Jose Medina is the assembly-member who introduced the legislation for AB 331. Medina is a former teacher and has been a long time advocate for social justice and education of ethnic studies. One of Medina's arguments for the bill was: “California is one of the most diverse states in the country and we should celebrate that diversity by including it in the classroom." According to AB 331, each district would have to offer Ethnic Studies by 2021-2022 and make it a graduation requirement by 2024-2025.


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