Thursday, April 2, 2020

Movies of the 80s

The 80s could be considered the time where the United States made its biggest step toward the modern world it is today. In class and in documentaries, we have talked a lot about computers and machines. But the 80s was a time of pop culture. In particular, television. Improvements in technology made movies come through in higher quality. The 80s even produced movies that are still the most iconic of all time. I was surprised when I figured out how many movies I recognized. Everyone knows Star Wars. Star Wars was is actually in the late 70s and early eighties. But it set the tone for other high quality movies that people still watch today.

So just to give you an idea of some movies from the eighties. Some of the most popular movies from the eighties are... Indiana Jones, Ghostbusters, E.T., The Terminator, Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, The Goonies and more.

The eighties introduced sequels to movies. Star Wars the first time that a second or third movie was any good. It led to other movies during the time making sequels.

the 80s was also the first time someone would accept new creative films. It gave producers more creativity knowing they wouldn't get backlash for something that would have been controversial ten or twenty years before.

But what really makes these movies watchable today is the special effects. There are plenty of people, myself included, that wouldn't even give more dated movies a chance because they look old or bad quality. But 80s movies were colorful and had modern effects that aren't what they are today, but are still good enough to be entertaining.


  1. I think this post is very interesting because it points out how there was an increase in the amount of movies being made during the 1980s. I also feel that I never realizes how many movies are from the 80s until now. I typed "popular movies of the 80s" into google search and many of the movies that popped up, I had already seen. Many of the movies, such as ET and Indiana Jones, I have thought were made in either the 90s or 2000s. In fact, I recently watched Top Gun which was one of the most popular movies from the 80s. This just goes to show that many things from the 80s, such as movies, are still prevalent in our society today.

  2. I really enjoyed your article! It fascinates me that films like Star Wars, which require lots of special affects, could have been filmed so well way back in the 80s. I looked into it further, and turns out ILM developed a new movable camera system that allowed them to take shots of stationary objects, while giving the appearance that the object is moving. Since the camera was computer controlled, it also allowed for all shots to be filmed from precisely the same angles and for these shots to be stacked over each other. This is the way most of the space fighting sequences were filmed! Another fascinating way that Star Wars bypassed CGI was through matte painting: painting on see-through plexiglass. The world/backdrop would be painted by an artist (often so well, that you cant tell the difference between the real world and art!), leaving unpainted see-through areas of glass, under which the footage of the actors would be placed, making it seem like the actor is part of the illustrated world!


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