Saturday, April 4, 2020

IBM : International Business Machines

IBM began in June 16, 1911. However, before being a IBM this company was called CTR.
The first dial recorder
This company started off as a computing, tabulating (organizing data in columns and tables), and recording company.   The original creator of CTR was Charles Ranlett Flint, Flint invested trust funds in multiple companies in order to make one big company. Flint started with Clock companies.Flint had combined these clock companies in order to create ITR, International Time recording company. they produced clocks that would be sold world wide and widely used. These Clocks were especially useful in work environments, ITR designed clocks to specifically check what time workers came in to work.
Dayton Safelectric meat slicerFlint also decided to go into the Scale business, he combined another couple of companies that made weight recording machines. Out of these companies Flint formed the Computing Scale company of
America although Flint was wealthy and was successful at combining all of these companies, they really began to go through a rough patch during the early 1900's, the companies were suffering and weren't making too much money. Flint was constantly looking for ways to fix his companies. throughout these struggles, Flint was also interested in the tabulating machine that, Herman Hollerith had made. Hollerith's machine  helped arrange large amounts of data in the late 1800's and helped complete The Census in the 1890's. This impressive feat spiked Flints interest in the machine, so he decided to buy out Hollerith and introduced him to the team. With the addition of the tabulating company to the ITR and the Scale recording company, CTR had been formed, later named IBM. This company was based in New York. 
With the new addition of the Tabulating machine, the CTR began to see more profits and actually began to hold itself up. The Tabulating table was a masterpiece, it had already conducted census from 
other countries before Hollerith joined Flint and his company.
Herman Hollerith's Tabulating Machine | At the Smithsonian ...

Even though the Tabulating machine was killing it in the market, the rest of Flints products were still not doing well. After a while of struggling to boost his company, he signed off as the boss of the company and hired Thomas Watson Sr. to run it for him(1914).
Watson eventually renamed CTR to IBM.

1920's : Made the Lock autograph recorder(20),combined with Ticketograph company (21), Caroll Rotary Press (24)

1930's:  IBM managed to grow, while other companies went down during the Great depression. (one of the first companies to give groups of workers life insurance, paid vacation, and certain survivor benefits)

1940's: IBM allowed for the government control of its facilities in order to aid in WWII. in 1944 IBM produced the Automatic sequence controlled Calculator, the first calculator that could calculate long computations Automatically. IBM made several more models of calculators in 1948.

1950's: IBM produce the first Vacuum tube computers, these were very large and mainly used by the government. Eventually these Vacuum tubes would be replaced with transistors.IBM made a new computer language named FORTRAN in 1957. 1952 Thomas Watson Sr. passed away, but passed on the company to his son Thomas J. Watson Jr.. 1959 IBM  had began to mass produce Transistors.
vaccum tube, for computers \/
An 8-tube module from a 1954 IBM mainframe examined: it's a key ...

1960's: IBM's newest CEO, Watson Jr. , decided that IBM should begin to switch from typewriter and tabulators to computer production. IBM also decided to go from a bundle seller, selling products in bundles, to selling things individually at any retailer. The decision to sell things individually began to rake in millions of dollars for IBM(this process was called 'unbundling'. 1964 IBM made the system/360, a smaller 'family size' computer.

1970's: in 1973 Frank T. Carry took over IBM, finally straying from the Watson family line. Watson served as an ambassador to the soviet union
IBM's supermarket chains implemented new technology that would read labels off stickers on products in order to purchase them.
IBM builds collection system for BART
IBM helps guide Apollo 14 and 15. 
IBM makes Floppy disks.

1980's: John R. Opel appointed as CEO in 1981. IBM made their first Personal Computer, although not the best computer, it allowed IBM to enter the household.
IBM instruments Inc. ( they started making instruments)
time magazine featured IBMs PC as man of the year in 1982
IBM computers and software aid in the launch of the first space shuttle.
IBM credit corporation: term lease financing to American buyers
produces system/36, the most widely accepted PC in 1893
IBM sponsors 1984 Olympic games
IBM develops ACCN, allows for computers to interact without a central server.
IBM fabricates processing chips and application systems. 

IBM is literally everywhere.

1911 IBM net income ~ 800,000 $
2010 BM net income ~ 14 billion $
in 2019 IBM employed 350,000 people.


  1. I found your article really interesting! I looked further into the use of IBMs in WW2, and found out that not only were they used on the side of the Allies, but also played a huge role in organizing the logistics for the Holocaust. At its core, the Holocaust was a highly organized act, split into six distinct stages: identify those of Jewish decent, exclude them from society, confiscate property, move them to ghettos, deport them, and exterminate them. The very first step required a census and a system to identify those of Jewish decent: this is where the IBM machine comes in. It allowed Nazis to track those of Jewish descent, even if they have married out of the religion and converted generations ago. It is very tragic that the same machines that helped put man on the moon were used to put men in gas chambers.

  2. I found this article very intriguing, especially how you covered the complete timeline of IBM's history. In the modern era, IBM no longer produces PCs. Instead, they organize supercomputers and investigate topics such as machine learning or quantum computing. The last time they participated in the personal computer market was probably with the PowerPC architecture, with Apple from 1994 until 2006. Even today, they remain cutting edge innovators for the future.


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