In the late winter of 1976, a completely novel strain of influenza was causing hundreds of respiratory infections at Fort Dix, an army post located in central New Jersey. Initially, this virus appeared to be closely genetically related to the 1918 flu pandemic that killed over a 100 million people globally, a pandemic that shared the very same Fort Dix as one its points of origin. These striking coincidences, along with the virus’s “sustained person-to-person spread,” prompted global public health officials to start planning for what could conceivably burgeon into a series of large and deadly outbreaks, if not an actual pandemic, in the upcoming winter.
The World Health Organization started to adopt wait and see reaction to the flu, but president Ford, motivated by the upcoming election, launched a nationwide initiative to get vaccinated from the supposed pandemic. Within 10 months, nearly 25% of the US population, or 45 million citizens, was vaccinated, but serious problems persisted throughout the process. Problems that would end up being caused for no reason seeing that the swine flu ended up not being that big of a deal when it was revealed that the flu wasn’t even related to the virus that caused the grisly 1918 epidemic
Due to the urgency of creating new immunizations for a novel virus, the government used an attenuated “live virus” for the vaccine instead of an inactivated or “killed” form, increasing the probability of adverse side effects among susceptible groups of people receiving the vaccination. Furthermore, prominent American scientists and health professionals began questioning the campaign’s large expense and its drain on scarce public health resources. On top of this, scientists found out later on that the vaccine had resulted in over four-hundred and fifty people developing the paralyzing Guillain-Barré syndrome. The entire ordeal ended in a catastrophe, the New York Times went so far as to dub the whole affair a “fiasco,” damning one of the largest and probably one of the most well-intentioned public health initiatives by the US government.
I think this post is very interesting, especially because of the corona virus outbreak, today. I didn't know much about how the government reacted to the outbreak of the swine flu and how the vaccine actually turned out to lead to Guillain-Barre syndrome. I did more research on this and found out that in Guillain-Barre syndrome, your immune system attacks the nerves. The nerves' protective covering is damaged and it prevents the nerves from transmitting signal to your brain. This is why it can lead to weakness, numbness, and in some cases paralysis.
I like how your post compares the Swine Flu to other types of viruses and outbreaks. Upon further research, I found that the vaccine makers for the flu were granted their request by the federal government to lower manufacturing standards so that the planned mass immunization could continue. In doing so, they dropped a mandatory measurement for finding impurities in the vaccine. This began the fear of whether the vaccines to do more harm than good.