Despite the poor situation, President Reagan was still President Reagan. Throughout the whole ordeal, he was always in good spirits. He told his wife “Honey, I forgot to duck,” and to the surgeons in the room before his operation that he hoped they were Republicans. Fortunately, the two hour surgery on the President ended up a success, and he was in stable condition. Even just the day after the incident, he was able to resume some of his executive duties, such as signing legislation from his hospital bed.
On April 11th, the President returned to the White House, an incredible recovery for someone of his age, 70 years old. The result of the assassination attempt saw Reagan’s popularity soar to 73%, according to a Washington Post-ABC Poll. Reagan was able to pass his economic reforms with even some Democrats supporting him. Overall, a disastrous situation that nearly killed the President, ended up benefiting him greatly for the time being.
There was also the question of why someone attempted to take the President’s life. The gunman, who acted on his own, was 25 year old John Hinckley Jr. Unlike one might believe, he was voted not guilty. The reason, insanity. His lawyer argued he was trying to recreate what Hinckley saw in the movie Taxi Driver, where the main character attempts to assassinate a senator. His lawyer stated how he believed if he could recreate the events of the movie he could impress and win the love of the lead actress, Jodie Foster. While the verdict angered many across the nation, it was final, and Hinckley was placed in a mental institution until 2016, where he was allowed to move in with his mother. And in 2018, he was given further freedom, that he could live within 75 miles of Williamsburg, the town where his mother lives, given that he meets conditions such as regular meets with his psychiatrist.
Sources: popularity/9515e340-f295-42e7-89c4-c96ed0ab7a44/
I found it super interesting how Reagan went from being in critical condition, to signing legislature in such a short period of time. When you mentioned that Reagan gained a lot of popularity, even from the democrats, I was reminded of a term I had heard called a "Reagan Democrat". I did some research and the typical "Reagan Democrats" were white, blue collar workers who typical voted Democrat but in either the 1980 or 1984 election, they voted for Reagan. They voted for Reagan because they felt that the Democratic party was becoming too focused on feminism and minorities, and that whites were being forgotten. While Reagan has passed, the relevancy of the term has not. Republican Presidents such as the Bushes, and even Trump have claimed to have received support from Reagan democrats.