Japan built 852 Ohkas all told, and even had plans to launch Ohka’s off the side of coastal cliffs, in the event of a U.S. invasion of Honshu and Hokkaido. There were more sophisticated models in the works, including two-seat trainers and a thermo-jet powered Model 22 that could fly further on its own power, and could be carried by faster P1Y1 Ginga bombers, improving chances of evading interception before launch. Though 50 Model 22s were built, none entered service. There was also a turbojet-powered Ohka Model 33 designed for launch from a four-engine G8N1 Renzan strategic bomber, a Model 43 with folding wings designed for catapulting off of submarines, and a second turbojet-powered Ohka Model 53 designed to be towed behind an aircraft, instead of carried underwing. None ever saw action. Records also suggest a non-suicidal bomber interceptor variant of the Okha called the Suzuka-24 was also built, ditching the warhead for two 20-millimeter cannons. These were twice launched at U.S. B-29 bombers over Japan, without successfully hitting them. At least, reports indicate their pilots survived.
questionnaire comprised of a single multi-choice question that asked: “Do you desire earnestly/wish/do not wish to be involved in kamikaze attacks?” All the men had to do was circle the statement they most agreed with. The kicker is that although the men were free to say they didn’t want to take part, they still had to sign their name to it. The pressure on young men to do something for their country during that time was significant, and the threat of retaliation, if you said no, was very real, especially to family members back home. Other methods of encouraging men to volunteer included putting them in a room filled with their peers. After a lengthy speech on patriotism, it was asked that anyone who didn’t wish to be a kamikaze step forward. As you can imagine, volunteering by default in this way was extremely effective.
Even though there were cases like this, forcing more people into kamikaze service, there was still a great portion of volunteers that were actually willing to die for their countries. Many young men were willing to lay down their lives, believing that they were the last line of defense between the US and the motherland of Japan where they were born.
I thought this blog post was a really well written summary of one of the most interesting and infamous aspects of the Japanese strategy, at least in my opinion. When you talked about how the Kamikaze fliers often felt obligated to participate because of honor and duty to their country, it reminded me of the code of Bushido that we read about in Freedom for Fear. This code essentially stated every Japanese soldier should be prepared to sacrifice their life for their country, and it would be honorable. I also thought it would be worth researching what the American response to the Kamikaze was, because these suicide bombers often exacerbated the stereotype of Japanese soldiers being lifeless automatons, ruthless, and willing to do anything to see the Americans lose.
I found this post to be a really interesting look into Japanese ideology during World War 2. I find it interesting that Japan specifically built aircraft for kamikaze attacks. Although, this makes sense considering it would save material. Another kamikaze craft that the Japanese built that is interesting is the Kaiten, a manned torpedo. Although initially rejected, by 1944 as the situation was turning more dire, it was accepted. And to test the torpedoes, they used real human subjects. Initially there were also options of what is similar to an ejector seat, but this idea was scrapped. Of some of the famous US ships attacked by this weapon, was the US destroyer the USS Underhill, being sunk by these manned torpedoes. This weapon did however, not win the war for Japan, obviously, but it still is an eerie reminder of the experimental weaponry of the era.